I want to sleep

Entra música: (aun se decide)

Hola, soy Dani y hoy tengo una historia para compartir con ustedes.
Después de un largo y ajetreado día, me dispuse a disfrutar de mi merecido descanso. Dejé la marihuana encima de la mesita de noche, coloque las pantuflas sobre la alfombra, comprobé que no estuviera el SAT bajo la cama. Abrace mi cahuama muy fuerte, cerré un ojo, cerré el otro y a dormir.

tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Me desperté exaltado. ¿Quién se atreve a despertarme de esa forma?

hey! Gobierno, ¿sabes la hora que es, no?

Lo siento, me dijo, es que creí que estaba la mafia del poder.

Pues mira, le dije. No, y me gustaría seguir durmiendo si no te importa.
Vale, vale, vale dijo el gobierno mientras se alejaba robando.

coro: Quiero dormir

Tras volver a casa, bebi trago de cerveza, dejé la marihuana encima de la mesita de noche, coloque las pantuflas sobre la alfombra, comprobé que no estuviera el SAT bajo la cama. Abrace mi cahuama muy fuerte, cerré un ojo, cerré el otro y a dormir.


Me volví a despertar. Dime, presidente, ¿Piensas pasarte toda la noche robando? Tengo que reunir provisiones, me dijo, ya casi se termina el sexenio.
Pero si faltan meses, le dije. ¿No te parece que exageras un poco?

Uno nunca es suficientemente prudente me dijo.

Tienes razón, y deberías ser más prudente y largarte de aquí antes de que te convierta en pan molido le dije exaltado.

coro: quiero dormir.

Cuando el presidente se marcho. Tome un trago de mariguana, coloque mi cahuama en la mesita de noche, comprobé que no estuviera el SAT bajo la alfombra, Abrace las pantuflas, cerré un ojo, cerré el otro y a dormir.

Toc, Toc, Toc

Me levante gritando. Doña Juana, le pago la tanda mañana!

coro: quiero dormir.

Ya está. Se acabaron los juegos. Debo descansar. Metí las pantuflas adentro de la marihuana, comprobé que no hubiera ningún SAT escondido en la cama, abrace la alfombra. ojo cerré un, otro el cerré y a dormir.

Boom, Boom, Boom.

Hey!! Baja el volumen que quiero dormir. Dijo el SAT que estaba escondido bajo su cama.

Hi, I'm Dani, and today I have a story to share with you.
After a long and busy day, I got ready to enjoy my well-deserved rest. I left the marijuana on the bedside table, put the slippers on the rug, checked that the SAT was not under the bed. I hugged my loggerhead very tight, closed one eye, closed the other and went to sleep.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

I woke up excited. Who dares wake me up like that?

Hey! Government, you know what time it is, right?

I'm sorry, she told me, it's just that I thought the power mafia was there.

Well look, I told him. No, and I'd like to keep sleeping if you don't mind.
Okay, okay, okay, the government said as it stole away.

Chorus: I want to sleep

After returning home, I drank a drink of beer, I left the marijuana on the nightstand, I placed the slippers on the carpet, I checked that the SAT was not under the bed. I hugged my loggerhead very tight, closed one eye, closed the other and went to sleep.

I woke up again. Tell me, president, do you plan to spend all night stealing? I have to gather supplies, he told me, the six-year term is almost over.
But if there are months to go, I told him. Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?

One is never wise enough, he told me.

You're right, and you should be more careful and get out of here before I turn you into breadcrumbs, I said excitedly.

Chorus: I want to sleep

When the president left. I took a shot of marijuana, placed my loggerhead on the nightstand, checked that the SAT was not under the rug, embraced the slippers, closed one eye, closed the other and went to sleep.

Knock Knock knock

I woke up screaming. Doña Juana, I'll pay you for the batch tomorrow!

Chorus: I want to sleep

It is done. The games are over. I must rest. I put the slippers inside the pot, checked for any SATs hiding in the bed, hugged the rug. I closed one eye, I closed another and went to sleep.

Boom boom boom.
Hey!! Turn down the volume I want to sleep. He told the SAT that he was hiding under his bed.
